Mountain Art Retreat
I was fortunate enough to be part of an all inclusive, art intense week with John Banovich, the famous African Wildlife artist! Our hosts, Jamie and Denise Soule from Wild Streak Art in Penticton have raised the bar so high, I doubt I will ever have such a great workshop experience again!
There were many LCM ( life changing moments) for the students as John was most generous and kind in his critiques, helpful hints and gentle pushes down the path of professionalism in ART. His passion for art, as well as preservation of African wildlife was inspiring. I recommend that you visit his web site www.johnbanovich.com
I have many new friends and am looking forward to sharing our progress with each other. I plan to feature their websites so that we can have a glimpse into the workings of the wild life artist! They are a different breed altogether. The Okanogan artists are very creative in their marketing approaches as well! Watch for Valerie, Beve, Ramona, Bonnie, Texas Cindy and others!