Finally...There has been major problems with the blog, but they are working on it. I see there are still a few glitches. Thank you for all the emails wondering where the newsletter was!
Summer News
I was asked to be the offical oil painting teacher at the Capitol Ex
( Klondike Days to us oldies). My sponsor was Kim at Paint Spot who did a fantastic job . Between the two of us, and my wonderful volunteer students we inspired many to 'pick up the brush'. That's my very supportive hubby( the one in the shirt!), Ed, making sure everything is going right!

Capitol Ex First Annual Art Walk
Barb Girouard, and Jeannette Sommers , members of the Emerging Artist Group joined me in displaying our art to the many people in the agricom at Capitol Ex. This was the first year and with help from Stephen Liley many of the bugs were ironed out. Congrats to Barb for selling her painting of birds.

Urban Roots
West Wind Artists ( a group of artists that I exhibit with on a regular basis) will be showing new works at Urban Roots ( Whyte Ave.) in October. Would you like an invitation? Please email with the words 'Wine and cheese' and I will send you all the details. We would be delighted to have you come!
Mona Lisa Club
We will be presenting a 'Black and White Show' in November...all 100 pieces will be the same size and same price, an affordable $100! and of course black and white with a touch of color. Please email the word 'Mona' for an invitation to a private art preview!
Fall Registration
Summer News
I was asked to be the offical oil painting teacher at the Capitol Ex
( Klondike Days to us oldies). My sponsor was Kim at Paint Spot who did a fantastic job . Between the two of us, and my wonderful volunteer students we inspired many to 'pick up the brush'. That's my very supportive hubby( the one in the shirt!), Ed, making sure everything is going right!
Capitol Ex First Annual Art Walk
Barb Girouard, and Jeannette Sommers , members of the Emerging Artist Group joined me in displaying our art to the many people in the agricom at Capitol Ex. This was the first year and with help from Stephen Liley many of the bugs were ironed out. Congrats to Barb for selling her painting of birds.
Urban Roots
West Wind Artists ( a group of artists that I exhibit with on a regular basis) will be showing new works at Urban Roots ( Whyte Ave.) in October. Would you like an invitation? Please email with the words 'Wine and cheese' and I will send you all the details. We would be delighted to have you come!
Mona Lisa Club
We will be presenting a 'Black and White Show' in November...all 100 pieces will be the same size and same price, an affordable $100! and of course black and white with a touch of color. Please email the word 'Mona' for an invitation to a private art preview!
Fall Registration
Registration is currently being taken for the fall semester!
All classes start the week of Sept. 17th.
Mornings-Tues, Thurs and Sat from 9:30-12:30
Tues afternoon-12:30-3:30
Mon., Tues, and Thurs evenings from 7:00-10:00
Young Rembrandts
Mon. 7:00-9:00 or Thurs 5:00-7:00
4:30-5:30 Mon, Wed, Fri
5:30-6:30 Tues
5:30-6:30 Tues
4:30-5:30 Tues
5:30-6:30 Mon, Wed Fri
call Laura at 419-2055
Emerging Artist Group
Would you like unlimited lessons? Want to learn to paint faster?Are you interested in learning about marketing and gallery shows? Would you like to take your art to the next level? We have limited spaces available for the right person! Call Laura 419-2055 for details.
Look for Glazing Workshops and photos of Hidden Talent Students at Capitol Ex at
Painting Tip: Have you seen the new paint pushers? They look like short handled brushes but have different shaped pieces of soft plastic on the ends that let you sqeegee off run away paint! See Lee at Paint Spot on High Street to reserve yours now!