What a great turn out for the St. Albert Artists Colony's first Open Studio! This summer has been a test of the Art Drive Brochure and establishing a Colony in order to share more of our art with more art lovers in the St. Albert area.
One comment we keep hearing is that yes, it is HIDDEN Talent! The Mayor NOLAN Crouse came by and asked why he didn't know of this wonderful gallery....Now he does! He's especially keen to see St. Albert Art as there are a few empty walls in his office. Some of the positive comments are- "Incredible work, I never knew we had this level of art in St. Albert! ". "I came in from Sherwood Park and this is the best display I've seen!" So... the calibre of art is very high, we just have to get ourselves known!
Many of you have promoted Hidden Talent Fine Art School and Spot Light Gallery and we owe you a great big THANK YOU! Even the students who wish to paint strictly for enjoyment have helped the other students wishing to show in the gallery by bringing their friends and relatives to our Gallery events! With your continued support, we will be on the Art Map in a big way in a short time!
With the success of the Art Drive, we will be opening up the Colony membership to those that come twice and three times a week at Hidden Talent. Our reasoning is that these are the students that are very serious about pursuing sales of their art as well as producing more. There are special meetings dealing with marketing and gallery management, pricing and other subjects that are of interest to those that want to take their art to the next level. We anticipate a Christmas sale as well as a spring Event. We would like to establish a core membership prior to the next brochure being published and have images and bios ready. If this is for you, call me ASAP and I will give you more details. The St. Albert Artists Colony events are separate from the regular art exhibitions that are held for Hidden Talent Students.
We are very excited about the future of the St. Albert Artists Colony! Come join us!