New Workshops

Contact Laura for supply list and more information.


Practicing Pino

Thurs. Oct 05-Nov. 02   6:30-9:30
Join us as we delve into his world and discover some of his techniques and apply then to our canvas. this is the last "Red Dress" workshop this year.
Supplies need. Reference and supply list provided upon registration. 5weeks $245 +GST

Palette Knife for Beginners

Wednesday 6:30-9:30  Nov. 09- Dec07
Learn techniques, styles and color schemes as we do one painting per week for 5 weeks. Bring lots of canvases! supplies needed. 5 weeks $245+GST

Watercolor For Beginners

Nov.10-Dec 08   6:30-9:30
This is no fuss, "lets paint" class that will teach you water management, paint characteristic and how to combine this info to make a watercolor painting! supplies needed. 5 weeks $245+GST

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