Step by step beginner lessons almost always include a flower. Flowers are always a popular subject to paint...challenging, beautiful, fleeting. At Hidden Talent there are some FABULOUS florals. Janet is working on the last bits of her monochromatic in greys and will be putting color on...probably the background first. This sunflower is Janet's third painting. She is great to have in class,, and is a pretty good curler! I am always amazed at the interesting people that come for lessons.
This poinsettia is in it's monochromatic stage-stunning in yellow ocher,Van Dyke Brown and white. It doesn't seen large, but it's about 20x30, maybe a bit more. Candace has been pressured by the rest of us to keep it this way...but I think she'll be putting red on her palette next week. She has another poinsettia that she's started on the mono as well. We'll have to get her to share her popcorn, then all will be well at Hidden Talent. ;)
Christine's third painting is also a flower-a waterlily from Wales, where her family toured last summer. She has two charming sons that also take lessons and are soooo proud of their Mom. Christine has quite a challenge- each water drop is unique, no formula painting here. Her cool greens are very rich, you can feel the moisture!
This photo really shows the scale of Linda's painting-LARGE. Is painting a larger canvas easier than painting a smaller one? We'll ask Linda when she's done! Great control of red/pink. It's a challenge to keep the pinks from going to bubblegum.
Bernie is one of our most productive painter...I am sure she has a brush in her hand when she's sleeping! This intricate Indian Paintbrush is a great study of the red/green combination. She has a Mahl stick that she is resting her hand on. One of our inventors-Shawn- sold quite a few of these handy tools to the students. Keeps a steady hand and great in easing fatigue.
As you can see, if I told you how great my students were doing, you wouldn't believe me! NOW YOU CAN SEE FOR YOURSELF. Any favorites yet? I still have more student work to post so check back often!