Saturday, February 05, 2011


Here are some of the DEC/JAN paintings from Hidden Talent. This seems to be the year of the large painting. We will be preparing for the St. Albert Trade Show in early April as well as the mid May jury for the TU Gallery. This fall we will have our salute to St. Albert with our Mona Lisa Show. 


We are getting the creative juices flowing with another Hidden Talent exclusive!
Starting in February there will be a 1/2 hour speed painting session at the beginning of every class.
Students may opt to do a ½ hour SPEED PAINTING at the beginning of each regular class in order to be able to paint faster, still be precise while developing their own brush strokes.

You may bring any paint colors that you wish but these are the suggested paints. Any brand acceptable. (A warm  and cool of each major color.)Titanium White, Ivory Black, Cadmium  yellow light, lemon yellow, cerulean blue, ultramarine blue, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium red light, Viridian green, permanent green( light) Van Dyke ( or burnt umber) burnt sienna (or transparent earth red) 
      Canvas, canvas board or canvas paper no larger than 8x10 preferred size 5x7 or 6x8. These will be going home with you.
4.    Objects to paint: Simple, not a lot of pattern, not a lot of pieces Ex: one coffee cup. a paint tube, one cookie, Lego piece, one fruit.

 Quickly decide on a composition
Paint with more confidence
 Eliminate unnecessary detail
 Paint with more expressive brush strokes
Paint wet on wet
Mix colors on your canvas
Quality of brush strokes becomes more painterly and individual.
More experience with color and color combinations. 
Improvement of drawing and observation skills.
Global view of an object.
 Paint faster
Paint from life
Optional: If desired there will be a max. of 10 mins of feedback at ‘coffee break’

Action at the studio!

Our annual Christmas Art Exhibition was very well attended. Many thanks to all that came and for all the artists that hung their artistic efforts on the walls!
We enjoyed having JOHN from SNAPS ST. ALBERT at our function and photos of our event are available at their website:

We had a special surprise for PAPA NORMAN whose dedication to the orphans of Rwanda is so inspiring. Our own SYLVIE FERGUSSON painted a touching portrait of PAPA NORMAN hold the hands of the orphans during the many trips he and his family take to help build an orphanage. Read more at Sylvie's blog.
( links up soon)