The great folks at are holding a second giveaway!!!... a 24x36" 15 mil vinyl banner of top-notch quality and doesn't look cheap like low-end banners. Artists and creative types have used vinyl banners (with photo quality printing) for weddings,birthdays, parties, graduations, advertisements,exhibition,rallies, and art show backdrops. The banners come with heavy metal grommets that make them easy to hang for any event. The durable material and archival ink will ensure that these banners will last for years to come! A $62 Us value!! Deadline is Oct 30th Midnight!!!! Our winner will be notified by coupon code Nov. 02/09!!!
How do you win this Banner??
Leave a comment ( located at the bottom of this post- light grey in color. Press comment and fill out the screen). Tell me what you would use a banner for if you win it. Check out the banners and more about printing banners. For extra entries, blog or tweet and link to this post!
At Hidden Talent the fall session is just underway. Many of the students are ready for drawing/advanced painting classes....just what is that about?
We have enjoyed painting accurately, slowly, and learning to distinguish VALUES, the basis of all art. Our general fear of drawing was eliminated by use of the age old tool- a grid. We learned blending techniques, adding color to shadows, color harmony, and many helpful hints and tips to make our painting standout from the crowd!
The next step is to learn to draw accurately without a grid...because our goal will be painting a monchromatic without a grid. EVERYONE CAN ATTEND THE DRAWING CLASSES, EVEN THOSE THAT HAVE JUST STARTED. Drawing will be ongoing. Course dates and times will be announced in the coming week. Be sure to sign up to save your spot!
Classes to follow: gridless monochramtic, drawing with a brush, painting from life, adding and subtracting to your painting, stroke development, style development.