From Laura's Easle
Sun Sisters
I enjoyed painting this majestic floral and I think this is my new favorite size. Flowers have long appealed to me- they are a powerful reminder of how to live your life. Just like a flower, life is short, colorful and fantastic, and eventually you will bloom!
As the Greeks once said...Art is long, Life is short.
Hints and Tips
Painting Large: A flat table was helpful when painting the Irises, as I could lay the painting flat and work from the sides to the middle. This helped me to paint the top of the Irises as I could easily reach the top from the sides.
Whiter White: For you highlight, add a wee bit of Cad. Yellow light to your white. The warmth of the yellow will bring the white further forward and it will look brighter.
Best Artists Website for November
www.artrenewal.org. This site is very pro realism and has an immense amount of information on it! Enjoy!
News from Hidden Talent
Critiques - Mona Lisa Club - Student Art Show - Jan. Registration
'At Home' Picture Critique Sat. Nov. 18th 1:00
Bring your painting projects from home for a group critique . We will go over basics and I will help you with the next step. Cost $10
Mona Lisa Club
A group of us will paint Mona Lisa but with a twist. This will be an at home project with only a few meeting for guidance from Laura. We are hoping to have a gallery show in the spring with all the unique Mona Lisas...any size, any shape, any pose, any color, any era, etc.
Our first meeting will be Sat. Dec 2nd at 1:00 Please have Mona drawn out and your monchromatic started if possible. ( file available) There will be no charge to belong to the club or for the meetings. Call 419-2055 if you are interested. Many thanks to Heidi for taking on the job as our coordinator!
Hidden Talent Student Art Show December 16th
The high light of our fall session is the Winter Art Exhibition of student art on Sat. Dec 16th from 1:00-4:00. All students are encouraged to show their art and invite family members and friends to see the awesome art produced by Hidden Talent students. Plus you get to see all the paintings from the other classes!
Drop off of framed paintings will be prior to Thurs. Dec. 14th, so we have a day or two to hang. Many times this is the first opportunity for artists to show in a ( friendly) gallery setting. All paintings will be available for pick up Sat 16th at 4:00 to take home for Christmas. Check with Laura for more info.
Registration for January
Current students only may register for Jan. session until the art show (when registration is open to all). A post dated cheque or a visa/ mastercard charge will hold you space and place.
Interested? Take a look at www.myartschool.blogspot.com and www.laurawatmough.com