'On the Spot'
2nd Annual Great North Paint Out
Thanks to a few brave artists we had 19 plein air paintings to exhibit.
The Alberta members of the Oil Painters of America hosted the well attended event and would encourage you to come and vote for your top three picks. The votes will be tallied on October 20 and the winner of the People's Choice Awards will be announced then.
Participating artists are Cindy Revell, Doris Charest, Shail Honey, Laura Watmough, Barbara Girouard, Heidi Ferguson and Susan Burris.
Many thanks to our sponsors Delta Art, Swinton Art Calgary, Raymar Panels, Source Tek Panels.
Framing Tips
When framing you art work think about whether the viewer will go into your painting, or will what's in your painting come out to the viewer.
For example, choose a frame that curves inward if you have a scenery or still life that the viewer can 'visit'. The frame edges will be closer to you than the painting.
If you have an animal/person in action, choose a frame that brings the action to the viewer and the painting is the closest to the viewer with the frame receding towards the wall.
A Special Invite...
The Alberta Society of Artists is showing 'Moments In Time' at Red Strap Market, 97 st and 103 Ave ( the old Army and Navy Building) , a juried show featuring artists from across Alberta. There are 25 artists and 47 pieces juried . The opening reception is Sunday Oct. 15 from 2:00-4:00. There will be refreshments served and musicians will add to the ambiance. Laura will exhibit two pieces there and would love to see you!
Tips on Color Mixing
Making Great Darks
Darks are important to the structure of the painting. Most artists lay down the darks first, in order to judge the other color/values and keep them pure. It is easier to lighten a value or color than to darken a value or color.
Transparent Dark...Sap Green, Alizarin Crimson and Thalo Blue in equal amounts.
Landscape Darks...Ultramarine Blue + Burnt Sienna OR Prussian Blue and Burnt Umber
Top Web Site for Artists this Month
Great Grids of Any Size for Artists!
Fantastic Phyllis found this web site and it's a great one! If you ever wanted a graph of any size this is for you. Easy instructions help you print out a grid, then just photocopy the grid onto a transparency, or let Staples do it, and voila! You have your own grid to use in class!!!
Do you know of any artists websites that I can pass along? Send them to lwatmough@shaw.ca and I will post them!
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