Sunday, March 15, 2009

Losing Time- Learning to Paint Bettter and Faster

Seems to me that every time I pick up a paint brush, the clock goes twice as fast. Students often comment on how fast the three hours of class time whizzes by...and to think I started out teaching only a two hour class!

The obvious benefits of coming to art class are...

1. The challenge: Isn't it nice to know that no matter what great booboos we make, it can always be fixed? Nothing is permanent in oils.

2. Concentration: It is so absorbing that everything else disappears from our thought and we experience a higher level of concentration.

3. Accomplishment: After only a few classes I can actually see my students realize that ANYTHING is paintable-portraits, scenery, their dog, the grand kids, the favorite location, the vacation picture.

4.Education: how exciting it is to be learning a fascinating and complex subject at your own pace! When you look around at the other students work, you can see where you've been and where you can's only a matter of time! Who knew how much thought and planning went into painting?

5. Feedback: It has been scientifically proven that painting in a group accelerates the learning process. Students learn not only from the teacher, but also from fellow students. The whole is more than the sum of the parts.

6. Realism: The return of a valued and respected art form is so welcomed and vital to us, and our society. The pendulum has swung back from just expression to expression with technique and thoughtfulness! How fortunate we are to live in such exciting times!

When you come to class I hope some of these wonderful things happen to you!

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