Wellington Greenhouse, Edmonton
Happy Easter!
The quick and welcomed change in the weather always seems to invigorate me and sends me cleaning up my studio and refreshing my focus on art. I have learned that this is my best time for original ideas and productivity. I paint longer with more enthusiasm when I come out of hibernation!!
Getting back into yard and garden work reminds me that I have a half done Iris painting begging for a brush stroke.
After talking to fellow artists, I have a list of things that inspire them...and hopefully you. It is hard to keep the momentum going and, for me, a quick review of the list helps me focus.
1. Visit a sanctuary; this means that if you like gardening, visit a place like Wellingtons beside the Odeon Cinemas on 137 Ave....heaven on earth! They actually hire a designer from Vancouver to come and arrange garden paraphernalia , antiques, linens and gifts as well as bedding plants. I have asked and they do allow plein air painters into the gardens . This is definitely on my " to do" list for this summer. Who would like to come with me?
Another refresher could be a gallery visit. The Spring Art Walk is in April .(Edmonton on 124 st. ) This is always a source if inspirational and wonderment...How did they do that? How did they get into a gallery? What color did they use etc!
2. Visit a website. For those of us with limited time seeking out other artists websites or 'how to' sites can be not only educational, but change the way you view your work. Google 'realistic art' or 'painting a day' or "oil painters organisations" and lose yourself!
3. Look for competitions. Nothing like a deadline to get you to the easel! Many times my deadlines are self imposed, sometimes not. I know myself good enough to realize that I do my best working under pressure...
4. Take photos. Many photos. Visit flickr and other photography sites to see what has captures others eyes. Learn from their compositions.
5. The spring trip to the art store...... yes, my art friends turned out to be art supply junkies! A new color of paint, a few new brushes, and maybe even an odd size of canvas gets the gears in motion!
6. Look at the art book at Chapters...not necessarily the ' how to' but the 'already done'. Try the Old Masters.. I have library that continues to educate and stretch my approach to art.
7. Paint your monochromatics at home.I know it's easier said than done. Try for 1 hour a week and schedule it.
8. Find your other passion. This is research. Do you love old cars, wine, hiking, wildlife, prairie scenery, barns, kids, travelling? Incorporate this into your paintings and you will be more than inspired...you'll be hard to stop!
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