Sunday, March 20, 2011


What a great turn out! We had close to 40 artists drop everything and show up to paint on 2 days notice! This mosaic mural, brainchild of Lewis Lavoie and Phil Alain will be unveiled for the Governor General Art Achievement Awards held in St. Albert April 9th.
After scanning the mural, each panel will be gifted to a VIP or arts winner never to be assembled again! Each artists will receive a reproduction of the whole mural and one large copy will hang in the Enjoy Center (HOLE`S).
I am so pleased at how many HT students rose up to the challenged and probably painted faster than they had ever done before...and in oils! Such a small price to pay for being a part of the rich history of St. Albert!
( I am still getting use to the video camera...sorry about the`swaying`!)

1 comment:

Judy Schafers said...

Maybe not so clear, but still a great video with lots of action. You have a real happenin' place there, Laura!! It's so cool to see that mural come together, glad that your students were able to participate :)