Sunday, April 17, 2011


Chocolate Raspberry Dessert
8x10      $250       Framed
Can't stop thinking about chocolate? Waiting for the Easter bunny? Do you know how many 1000's of websites there are about chocolate??? How many millions of recipes?
In my local newspaper chocolate has been featured 4 times since Febuary. The cost of chocolate is skyrocketing and only thoses with thick wallets (and good taste) will be able to buy the 'good stuff'. Chefs around the world are creating sculptures, centerpieces, new desserts and even main course dishes with our favorite bean! For the past few years I have truely appreciated the culinary arts and the divine creations that can come out of a kitchen....and not just from a hungry perspective. I LOVE to paint all the textures from ooy gooey to spongy cake to glossy chocolate! What a challenge!!The colors are usually dramatic, the composition exciting, and presentation is awesome! The chef's tell us we also eat with our eyes.
Have you ever thought about painting food? What would inspire you? Colors? Textures? My husband and I visited a chocolate factory on Fishermans Warf in San Franscisco. Even the air was choco scented! Top three reasons to paint chocolate:1. Everybody loves it.2. It's an easy to set up still life.3.You can eat it after the painting is done!!Judy Schafers, a fellow artist, has invited me to join her for a Dessert Gala Fundraiser.( Allied Arts Council, Spruce Grove) Artists make incredible desserts and they line them up ( over 50 ft!) for silent auction. I get enough inspiration for a whole year! If I am even more fortunate I win a dessert to share with my table.Take a look around. Your next inspiration for a painting could be in your kitchen!

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