Monday, May 09, 2011


Hats off to the Allied Arts Council in Spruce Grove!
I gladly forked over (pun intended) $60 for tickets and $55 for a silent auction item....
They auctioned off DESSERTS made by the artists in their group ( those creative types can do marvelous things with icing!!!), auctioned off artwork done by dignitaries ( and mentored by club members) and DISPLAYED artworks for sale by the same club members..
They had a roast beef buffet in a large church hall that accommodated over 100 ft of desserts ( I counted the 8 ft tables! There were approx 75 desserts. The serving dishes were part of the dessert as well.)
The artists were celebrated as creative cooks, none of their artworks were 'on sale', people tried to outbid each other for many of the goodies ( some pies were priced over $75!!!) and it was a fun community based event with a few jokes headed the mayor's way.
All in all, the WORK  was done by the artists, but they never were humiliated or embarrassed into having their ART be the sacrificial goat for a fund raiser.
Come on people! There are tons of creative ways to have us part with our hard earned cash without having it hurt!! Don't make money on the backs of artists! Make money using our creative skills!!

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