Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hidden Talent Painting trip to Italy included the amazing Villa Carlotta- an artist's dream!
Lucky! Lucky!
This is the second year we went to Villa Carlotta -in FULL BLOOM and in the SUNSHINE! It's pretty much like winning the lottery twice.
The pink and purple azaleas blossoms are on bushes the size of small houses and are clearly visible from across the lake. There is great variety- from bamboo gardens and bonsai to a fragrant herb wall and turtles in a pool with Calla lilies.Needless to say we split up and proceeded to photograph everything that wasn't another tourist.
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 We spent the whole day touring around the grounds and ferried back to Belagio then back to Lezzeno for our chef cooked supper.

Always time for a quick watercolor sketch!

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