Laura Watmough, Hidden Talent Art School Supplies |
Here are 10 Time Savers for your art studio- and happy painting!
1. Place photo reference in plastic bag or page protector.
2. Hold up brush with paint to area on reference photo to match value
and colors. Paint on plastic to match colors.
3. Turn works toward wall for dust free drying- no peeking!
4. Sharpen end of brush in pencil sharpener- use this to sign
paintings. Also skewers work well- just cut off end on an angle
Turn reference upside down- always a great way to see shapes and values and not 'things'
6. Sand your canvas with brown paper bag instead of sandpaper
to smooth out. This will stop scratches in gesso.
7. Pour linseed oil onto a new wooden palette and rub on both sides before using
for the first time.Let the oiul soak in for 6-8 hours, then buff with a soft cloth.
8. Use daylight florescent bulbs in your home studio- and an Ott light if you need more 'easy on the eyelight.
9.The I PAD is the new tool in the studio- use an app called 'copy-it' to grid your photo and see detail close up.
10.Take a photo of you work in progress with your phone, IPAD or camera- this will reduce the image and you can see value and form issues right way. Do this before you declare a painting done! Also handy to post a painting in progress on your blog.