Take a look at the lowly egg- shine a bright light and viola! we have an art lesson!
As you can see the beginning of the shadow is the TERMINATOR- where the light terminates or where the dark terminates ( same place).
The triangular shape of the darkest shadow is the CORE SHADOW. Yes, the shadow is darkest there because there is no reflected light from the surface hitting the egg that high. The shape changes with the object.
The crevice shadow is called the OCCULUSION and that is where NO LIGHT ( not even reflected light) is found. Save your darkest value for here!
The UMBRA is the cast shadow- the PENUMBRA is the soft light edge of the shadow furthest from the object.
" The transparency of the penumbra is only eclipsed by the richness of the core shadow!... and that OCCLUSION is amazing!"
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