Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Little Secret!!

I'm letting you in on a little secret! I have spent most of today ALONE in the studio creating a series of unique fun and wild art especially for the Nov. 18th art exhibition at CAVA. Hopefully all 12 that exist in my imagination will make to canvas by that time. These creations are as far away from what I teach and normally paint as you can get....whimsical, funky, and totally LOOSE and TEXTURED.
Now, I teach realism and I love realism. BUT, these little painting somehow escaped from my brush and will only be allowed out on this one have to come to the show to see what all the fuss is about! And, it will be worth it! Besides I have Jeannette Sommers showing all her recent automobile oils and heritage painting for the first time at the Centre D'Art Visuel. Double plus- they serve great food and wine at CAVA and I know some of my relatives marked their calendars 6 months ago!
Expect the unexpected!

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