Thursday, December 31, 2009
A Special Word to my students.....
I am gratefull to all the students who have helped me throughout the year-lots of set ups at our art shows, manning the guestbook or the 'goodies' table, trade fair fun and promotion, and Artists Colony evenings, to mention just a few things. Hidden Talent is so sucessful because of your deep sense of caring and community, your eagerness to learn and your part in making HT a welcomimg studio.
The growth of Hidden Talent is in direct relationship to the artistic growth of its students...Every year we attract larger crowds, more returning patrons, more sales, more opportunities. Every year word gets around that our kind of art,' realism' is exceptional, that Hidden Talent students are exceptional!
This year watch for-new drawing lessons, a Gallery owner workshop in Feb., Edmonton Gallery exposure, and special workshops! I am looking forward to being with you and sharing a very memorable artisticly-rich New Year!
Monday, December 28, 2009
December at the Art School
Saturday, November 21, 2009
A Special Offer for the Girls! Dress Party time!
The focus is on holiday wear but the store is filled with terrific tops, pants and skirts for everyday wear, scarves, hats, purses and jewellry. To have your PRIVATE SHOPPING PARTY a minimum of 4 people, can book a party any night of the week, or Sunday afternoon. The owners will be at your beck and call and they are experienced in picking out the perfect piece to suit your body type. They supply refreshments (wine and a little something to nibble on) and just ask that you come and enjoy the store. Now, that`s shopping! Just mention you heard this from me or Marta.
SHE MATTERS located at 12234-107 Ave., phone #780-488-4043, or call Marta, 780-451-2286 to book private shopping parties.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Free Photo Enlargement!
Giveaway prize: (1) 18x24 poster print for One Lucky Winner
Paper: High Gloss; Semi GlossShipping: FREE UPS Ground Shipping in the US. Canadian Winner will have to pay shipping!!!We will negotiate better shipping rates soon.
One winner will be selected before November 23, 2009. Instructions on how to claim your prize will be sent to the winner’s registered email on November 27, 2009.
Pursuant to the FTC ruling on Blogger Reviews and Sponsored Postings, I fully disclose that I will be receiving one (1) poster from for hosting this giveaway.
Check out this amazing offer at
Readers can join by leaving a comment on this post. Be creative and tell me what Holiday Photo you want to print!
More Paintings from December Student of the Month
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Student of the Month DEC 09- Wendy Pfeifer
I've known Wendy for many years. We have been friends almost since I began teaching over 15 yrs ago. It helped that we were each mothers of three sons...we had lots in common! We've even golfed together in Ladies League ( I'm not sure if what I did could actually be called golfing, but Wendy has a great shot and doesn't seem to mind me exhausting myself with those 'worm burners' We were jealous of her- she actually got the darn ball in the air! ) Wendy is very active-yoga, exercising, golfing, travelling to exotic places, and that includes visiting every curling venue in the world!
Wendy is one of the few students who took lessons in my home as well as in my present location in Campbell Park. She was a great support and encouraged me to take the leap to a commercial space!
It is hard to believe, but it took some coaxing to get Wendy to switch from watercolor to oils! She is an amazing talent and has an instinct
Wendy Pfeifer Interview
How did you start art at Hidden Talent?
My mother painted when I was a teenager. She did wonderful watercolor paintings. She sparked an interest in me. I saw an ad in the St. Albert Further Education Brochure for a painting class at “Little White House”. The first lessons I took were Dye on Rice Paper when Laura was giving lessons in the basement of her home. I took watercolor lessons off and on while my sons were growing up. When Laura opened Hidden Talent, I was still working with watercolor but after a few sessions she encouraged me to try oil.
What is your favorite subject to paint?
I didn’t think I really had a favorite subject until I looked back at the paintings I have done. Most of them are of nature or people, some of which I know and some of which I took photos of while on vacation.
What was the reaction of family and friends to your oil paintings?
Their reaction has been one of surprise (they wondered where this passion came from and how long it had been hiding within me) and of support. They are strongly encouraging me to paint more.
What will you paint for your next painting?
My next painting will be one of a Thai lady. I took this photo at a river market while on a meditation retreat in Thailand.
What is your favorite color or tool?
My favorite color has always been green. I think it is because I love the outdoors so much. But, I just finished two water lily paintings with lots of green in them; so I am ready for a change. I have not found a favorite paint brush yet. I am still trying different ones. In the New Year, I have made a commitment to myself to purchase a few new brushes and try them. Also, I would like to try a painting on a larger canvas.
What is your most important tip to pass on?
If I was to pass on a tip to a beginner painting, I would tell them not to be too critical of themselves (although my husband tells me I am I own worst critic), relax and enjoy the learning process. I wish I would have started painting when I was younger because I might have learned more. However, at this time in my life; I have more time to paint. I can relax more easily and am more patient with myself. A 3 hr class goes by and I wonder where the time went. It leaves me wanting more.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Special Gallery Seminar- What Galleries Want!
Alex picked four of my paintings to hang on the walls until Dec 14- he selects what appeals to him and he is more than interested in Hidden Talent Fine Art School students! Drop by and see the gallery, get a feel for how they operate. Is this a gallery you would feel comfortable showing in and bringing all you relatives to? Both Alex and Lorna are very approachable and would welcome any questions.
Alex and I have so many ideas- including a JURIED STUDENT show ( MAY?), and painting in front of Tu Gallery on 124 st Saturdays in June, July and August. Alex gave me the nod for a show of my work in his gallery. We are brainstorming the best ways to promote my wine/dessert painting...any ideas? TBA
So, what is expected of an artists if they show in a gallery? I know for some of you this may be the first time you will be juried, price your art and 'put it out there'!
I am happy to announce that I've made arrangements for Alex to come to Hidden Talent Art School to discuss the finer points of gallery representation SUNDAY FEB 21 at 1:30!! This free seminar will be available for current HT students ONLY! Do Not miss this opportunity!!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Hidden Talent Christmas Exhibition Nov 29
My favorite time is the Christmas show when loads of relatives and friends get to see what the students have been up to. I get quite a kick out of the famous phrase " You did that?!!!"
The gallery is currently showing the Mon/Thurs/Sat Painters and starting the 16th will feature the Tues Painters. Tues group can keep their artwork up until the end of the Annual Exhibition on Sunday Nov 29th, Mon/Thurs/Sat Painters please drop off your paintings by Thurs Nov 26th. Takedown is at 4:00 Nov 29 or you can pick up your art on Mon ( Nov 30)or Wed ( Dec 02).
Invites will be ready this week-please handout as many as you can, friends, relatives, neighbours,teachers. Please bring a small plate of goodies to share with our guests; I will have coffee, punch and Cider!
Annual Student Exhibition
Sunday Nov 29th
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Half way done!
I am SO PLEASED with the drawing lessons! Some of the students were very afraid to start, and first of all, hats off to you for signing up and jumping into the deep end! and much to their surprise and my relief they are producing great drawings and understanding the concepts of structure in drawing. The two hours goes soooo fast and they are exhausted from the intense concentration! I am strongly considering having more drawing classes in Jan. I will figure out a time schedule and let you know.
There are a few house keeping reminders.
1. Please throw away your dirty rags and used up palette papers. WE NEED MORE CUT UP RAGS!
2. Dance on the mop once the snow comes. We don't want anyone to slip on a wet floor.
3. Make sure your brushes are CLEAN when you put them away. Clean up your area before you leave.
4. When you are making up a class, please let me know what one you will be attending. Please DO NOT ask me to confirm. I will only phone you if THERE IS NO ROOM.
5. Please use the hand sanitizer.
6. Night Classes- Mon 6:30-9:30, Tues 7:00-10:00, Thurs 6:30-9:30
7. I have more brushes available and am on the look out for more sticky tak.
All make ups must be done in this session. There is no carry over of missed lessons.
I can hardly wait to see what paintings get done in the next month. Get ready for our Christmas exhibition that you can invite friends and relatives to!
Laura's Next Art Show
Some exciting news- A good friend of mine, Marta, had a wonderful lunch and invited Kim from the Blue Pear- a chef-run intimate restaurant on 124 th St. Kim is a sommelier- a food/wine pairing expert and we talked art/food and wine! What could be better! Kim steered me in the right direction...certain things go better with certain food and wine so that I can be very accurate in my wine/food paintings. I can hardly wait to get to dine at the Blue Pear-Kim promised the food is the fantastic and she'll make you feel like royalty! Don't miss out on dining at a chef's table, it 's a unique and must-do experience!
Speaking of dessert and wine paintings-I am excited to be showing some of my more recent works at Centre d'arts Visuel de l'Alberta ( CAVA ) Nov. 13 to Nov 24 in a group show that will feature a bit of everything!
I am a member of the French Association and when we have group shows, it can be anything! The gallery is a renoed old fashioned grocery store and has jewelry, woodwork, pottery, quilting and of course paintings. This time of year it is chock full of hand crafted gifts for Christmas! This is a great example of a casual venue/gallery. Gisele runs a tight ship and has an opening night to meet and greet the artists and artisan complete with refreshment ( wine). Sharon Lynn Williams, Emma Cayer, Therese Bourassa and Luc Josh will also be showing. Mark it on your will be well worth the drive.
Reception- Nov 13th 7:00-8:30
9103-95 Ave. 461-3427
Mon-Fri 10:00-6:00 Sat 10:00-5:00
And the Lucky Winner is...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
And the Winner is...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Top Painting Organisers
Shawn Acorn found a tackle box with fold out trays that fit all the tubes of his favorite paint and kept his brushes in great shape....again a Canadian Tire find.
Do you have a great artist Organiser? Blog me!
250 Free Stickers

Giveaway Prize Details
250 Stickers/Labels for One (1) lucky winner
Sizes: 2” x 3.5”, 2” x 4”, or 3” x 3”
Paper: 70 lb Label MatteSpecifications: Full color front, blank back;
4 Business Day printing
FREE UPS Ground Shipping in the USA (Canadian residents need to pay shipping and taxes). Offer is not available to residents outside the US and Canada.
In adherence to the FTC ruling on Blogger Reviews and Sponsored Postings, I will be receiving 250 Stickers/Labels from for hosting this giveaway.3. Encourage your readers to learn more about our stickers! Check out the sticker printing page at UPrinting for more details.
How to enter:
Enter by leaving a comment on what you would use the stickers for. Let me know what are your creative ideas for these stickers! For more entries blog or Tweet about this giveaway and link back to my post and to or @uprinting on Twitter. Check out their Facebook page
Deadline: Oct 29th The prizes will be awarded via coupon code on November 6.
Will Wilson and showing your art in our gallery!!
His dedication and mastery of painting are so evident, and to discover all the academic and intellectual thought behind his art is so awe inspiring..... Do I sound like a raving fan???Yep, and proud of it!
This week's drawing lessons were fantastic...the students were energetic and hard working and I know we will make alot of progress in a short time!
Would you like to show in the gallery?
Many students are wondering how some of the other student paintings turned out...they missed seeing them when they were done. How about having Mon. /Thurs and Sat Painter hang their works up for all to see??? We can have them up for two weeks, then the Tues painters can show for another two weeks. No, they do not have to be for sale.
I would love to feature you and your art!!
Would you like to be student of the month......any volunteers? This would mean answering a few easy questions and getting a photo of your art to me to put on my blog. We have such great talent in our school, we should let more people know!!
I'm looking forward to a great week!
Free! 100 Postcards

Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Top Ten Art Studio Tools
Our talk this week -What is in your studio that you wouldn't want to live without ?
Here is a top 10;
1. Masterson's stay wet palette
I love putting my paint and dirty brushes in them, and forgetting about it. Oils stay fresh for 3 days and even longer if put in the freezer. Make sure your lid is completely sealed!
2.'Kim' towels or lint free clothes.
These blue paper towels are cheap, non patterned and very durable. Available at Costco, Canadian Tire, Home Depot etc.
3. Turpenoid Brush Cleaner ( in the green can). Safe on your brushes and safe for you.
4. A jar with a screen or coil in it for dragging your brush over to open the bristle for cleaning.
5. Paint pushers- set of 5 for $20, cheaper if you are a student. Great for erasing those over painted lines. It is the hard version of sticky-tak.
6.Old telephone books.-great for wiping excess paint off prior to cleaning-saves dirtying your Turpenoid Natural.
7.Palette and painting knives. The ones that look like regular cutlery are the palette knives and the ones with the bent handle are the painting knives. Good for premixing values and colors like Daniel Greene does.
8. A cart for organising your 'store'. I keep all my supplies handy in an old microwave cart from a garage sale. It has wheels and I can move from easel to easel . One student has a mechanics tool cart from Canadian Tire( black with bright yellow trim) Fantastic wheels! and some have wheelers from Michael's. I'll try and get you some photos!
9. Lighter or matches-used to warm up a tube lid so that it can be opened more easily
10. Clear heavy duty page protectors to keep all reference photos /drawing in.
Feeling comfortable in your painting space MUST be a priority. You will get into the 'zone' faster, be more productive and feel less aggravation if materials and supplies are set up in an easy to use way. A basic rule that doesn't seem to be basic (!) is if you are right handed-keep you palette on the right side, left handed on left side.
Happy painting!
Win FREE Business Cards!
Restriction:Free UPS Ground Shipping in the USA. Canadian Residents must Pay Shipping and Taxes. Residents of other countries are not eligible.
These folks are so generous that I get a set of business cards as well! Watch for them!
How to enter:
Enter by leaving a comment on 'how you might use the 250 Free Business cards if you win.'
Look for the grey 'comment' at end of this post and leave your email so I can contact the winner! Additional entries -blog or tweet this contest and link to my post or uprinting .com.5!
Contest closes and winner picked by October 21, 2009.
All Business Card Prizes will be awarded by coupon code on October 23, 2009.
Good Luck !
Poster Print Winner!
I am getting my friend Celina to come over and photoshop an image for me then I will send it in. I am excited about the possibility that I can take a photo , not a scan of my artwork, and get a decent print. Should save tons of money.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
It's Another Giveaway!
The great folks at are holding a second giveaway!!!... a 24x36" 15 mil vinyl banner of top-notch quality and doesn't look cheap like low-end banners. Artists and creative types have used vinyl banners (with photo quality printing) for weddings,birthdays, parties, graduations, advertisements,exhibition,rallies, and art show backdrops. The banners come with heavy metal grommets that make them easy to hang for any event. The durable material and archival ink will ensure that these banners will last for years to come! A $62 Us value!! Deadline is Oct 30th Midnight!!!! Our winner will be notified by coupon code Nov. 02/09!!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Contest Giveaway!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Arts Days Open House
Welcome back ! It's so good to be in the studio getting ready for students!
We had a fun 'warm up" this weekend in honor of Alberta Arts Days. So nice to reconnect with the great people ( artists) at Hidden Talent.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Free 18x24 Poster print!

Please let your friends know and have them enter as well. They may want a poster of YOUR ART for Christmas!!! Bloggers and Tweeters spread the word!
Friday, September 11, 2009 What is this??
Now, that is something we would be interested in! Artists love having their image on cards and canvas prints. And, I definitely need some more business cards. Besides, did anyone say 'FREE'?
I have partnered up with and will be offering my loyal readers and students opportunities for special rates and FREE product giveaways. Stay tuned!
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Can't wait to start????
As a special perk to all my students that have re enrolled for Sept. classes- and celebrating Albert Arts Days please enjoy FREE PAINTING DAYS Sept 19/ 20 from 10:00-5:00.
What a great way to kick off the new term! Note: you do not have to come all day. Drop in and claim an easel and paint for the day or a few hours. Reconnect with fellow students! Paint on your current work or new ones. Bring a small plate of goodies and one of your painting to share for lunch or coffee time/gallery. Bring someone along if they are interested! Call and let me know you are coming 780-419-2055.
Classes start the week of Sept 21. '
MEET Sheree, our digital camera expert. She will be taking names for more camera classes to be held at Hidden Talent Fine Art School.
Art Drive Studio's Open last weekend for the St. Albert Artists Colony members is Sept 19/20 as well! We are hoping for as good a crowd as last year!!!
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
H1N1 isn't any fun! Fall Plan
As a result of reading many Government and local documents, I have instituted a few changes for Hidden Talent Fine Art School in order to keep that nasty bug out of our art school studio.
1. Hand sanitizer will be available and students are encouraged to use it before class.
2. Paper towels will be used in both washrooms.
3. Students will be required to bring their own "Hold It"( sticky tak)
4. Students are encouraged to bring their own brushes.
5. There will be NO REFUNDS after the second class.
6. If the instructor is ill, the students will be able to come to make up these missed lessons or receive a credit. Students who miss classes must make up missed lessons within the term.
7. Your instructor will have a vaccination against the H1N1 flu and encourages all eligible students to do the same.
8. Proper coughing/ sneezing etiquette is encouraged. Cough into your sleeve, wash hands frequently, staying home if ill, etc.
9. Please contact me if you have any concerns.
The fall is the best time of the year...outdoor painting and the start of art lessons , falling leaves and starting school brings back so many warm memories! Let's keep HT flu free so we can enjoy this colorful season! Like the song says" See you in September!!
Stolen Moments
I have split student info resources and general fun art education from my own personal art journey.
My art and viewpoints will now be at . I have worked out most of the bugs as I've posted through the summer and will keep my art friends up to date with my 'interesting" paintings, events etc. if you would like to join the mailing list please contact me at
I've gotten a wee break from Summer Art Camps and I am in the school studio painting studies based on color combos and warm and cool light. These are my stolen moments to paint non stop and the door will be locked!!!lol There will be a drop-in this Thursday from 6:00-9:00 as well as August 13. The drop ins have been great fun and it is wonderful to get together in a relaxed atmosphere ( especially the refreshments!hah) The studio light is very special when the large doors are open...we are painting plein air so to speak!
One of our long time students is making major life changes- Carol Ewasiuk ( Tues afternoon) has decided to move to southern BC to escape the winters! and has her condo up for sale. We hope to see a bit of her in Sept, but her new home will be ready for her in October! Good Luck Carol, we will miss you!
Our Fall schedule is posted and we are currently taking Registration . September 19, 20 will be Hidden Talent Fine Art School Open House. Sheree, the photographer will also be on hand to explain her classes offered at Hidden Talent. The Further Education Brochure will be delivered by mid-August. All times and dates are posted at .
You can reach me at 780-419-2055! Enjoy the last warm days of Summer 2009!
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Summer Art Hours
As an added bonus, the St. Albert Artists Colony members will be hosting an open house-complete with wine and goodies. You are welcome to sell your completed and framed artwork in the Gallery that night for a commission of 30%. Drop off your art when you come!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Students at Hidden Talent are finishing many paintings using the methods of the Old Masters. Join us Thursdays in July and the first two in August for a behind the scene peek at how we paint! Members of the St. Albert Artists Colony will also be there hosting a community mural! 6:00-9:00.Don't miss out!